2/8/2015 10:52:50 PM


This code will remove html from a string. It gives you the option to leave the line breaks it.

public static string RemoveHtml(string html, bool keepLineBreaks = false) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(html)) { return html; } System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regHtml = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("<[^>]*>"); if (keepLineBreaks) { //replace p's html = html.Replace("<p>", ""); html = html.Replace("</p>", "<br />"); html = html.Replace("<br>", "<br />"); html = html.Replace("<br/>", "<br />"); html = html.Replace("<br />", Environment.NewLine); } //clean html html = regHtml.Replace(html, ""); if (keepLineBreaks) { //add back breaks html = html.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />"); } return html; }