The following Powershell script can be run or put on a schedule to regularly backup AWS EBS volumes.
Another option is to use an online service such as Stratus Tools (
$AWS_AccessKey = '############'
$AWS_SecretKey = '####################################################################'
$AWS_DefaultRegion = 'us-east-1'
Set-AWSCredentials -AccessKey $AWS_AccessKey -SecretKey $AWS_SecretKey
Set-DefaultAWSRegion $AWS_DefaultRegion
# base description
$description = 'BACKUP: ' + (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')
$dayOfTheWeek = (Get-Date).DayOfWeek
# an arry of volume Ids to backup
$volumeIds =
"vol-########" #SQL Data
# only backup on Mondays
if ($dayOfTheWeek -eq "Monday")
$volumeIds += "vol-########" #SQL Logs
$volumeIds += "vol-################" #SQL Backups
# loop through all volume Ids
for ($volumeIdIndex = 0; $volumeIdIndex -lt $volumeIds.Length; $volumeIdIndex++)
#"This is line number " + $volumeIdIndex
$volumeId = $volumeIds[$volumeIdIndex]
#set base snapshot description
$snapshotDescription = $description + " - " + $volumeId
#try to get volume details to get tag name
$volumeDetails = Get-EC2Volume -VolumeId $volumeId
#if ($volumeDetails.Tags.Length not null)
for ($tagIndex = 0; $tagIndex -lt $volumeDetails.Tags.Length; $tagIndex++)
#echo $volumeDetails.Tags[$tagIndex];
if ($volumeDetails.Tags[$tagIndex].Key -eq "Name")
$snapshotDescription = $snapshotDescription + " - " + $volumeDetails.Tags[$tagIndex].Value
New-EC2Snapshot -VolumeId $volumeId -Description $snapshotDescription