Coming from a .NET background, I wanted to create a set of easily used PHP string functions similar to those I use in .NET. The following class encapsulates many common string functions that I use.
- Starts With - does string start with searched value
- Ends With - does string end with searched value
- Length - get length of string
- Sub String - get a sub string
- Replace - replace a value in a string with a new value
- Contains - check if a string contains a value
- Is Empty Or Null - check if a string is either empty or null
- Empty And Trim - sets a null string to an empty string and trims trailing spaces from a non-null string
- Is Valid Email - check if a string is a valid email
- Remove Html - remove html characters from a string
- Get Extension - gets the extensions of a filename represented as a string
- JSON Encode - encode an object into its JSON string representation
- JSON Decode - decodes a JSON encoded string into an object
- Hash String - Hash a string
- Random String - Get a random alpha numeric string
- Get Guid String - Get a new Guid value as a string
class StringFunctions
static function StartsWith($value, $searchedValue)
return !strncmp($value, $searchedValue, strlen($searchedValue));
static function EndsWith($value, $searchedValue)
$length = strlen($searchedValue);
if ($length == 0)
return true;
return (substr($value, -$length) === $searchedValue);
static function Length($source)
if (self::EmptyAndTrim($source) == false)
return strlen($source);
return 0;
static function SubString($source, $startIndex, $length)
if (self::IsEmptyOrNull($source) == false)
//this only works for index == 0
if (self::Length($source) < $length)
$length == self::Length($source);
return substr($source, $startIndex, $length);
return $source;
static function RemoveHtml($source, $keepLineBreaks = true)
$source = self::EmptyAndTrim($source);
if (self::IsEmptyOrNull($source) == false)
$allowableTags = "";
if ($keepLineBreaks == true)
$allowableTags = "<p><br>";
$source = strip_tags($source, $allowableTags);
if ($keepLineBreaks == true)
//remove beginning <p>
$source = self::Replace($source, "<p>", "");
//replace </p>, <br>, <br/>, <br /> with new line
$source = self::Replace($source, "</p>", "\r\n");
$source = self::Replace($source, "<br>", "\r\n");
$source = self::Replace($source, "<br/>", "\r\n");
$source = self::Replace($source, "<br />", "\r\n");
return $source;
static function Replace($source, $searchPhrase, $replacementValue)
$source = self::EmptyAndTrim($source);
return str_replace ($searchPhrase, $replacementValue, $source);
static function Contains($string, $substring)
$pos = strpos($string, $substring);
if ($pos === false)
// string needle NOT found in haystack
return false;
// string needle found in haystack
return true;
static function IsValidEmail($value)
if (self::isEmptyOrNull($value) == false)
if (filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
return true;
return false;
static function IsEmptyOrNull($str)
if ($str === null || $str == "")
return true;
return false;
static function EmptyAndTrim($str)
if (self::IsEmptyOrNull($str))
$str = "";
$str = trim($str);
return $str;
static function GetExtension($str)
$i = strrpos($str,".");
if (!$i)
return "";
$l = strlen($str) - $i;
$ext = substr($str, $i+1, $l);
return $ext;
static function JSONEncode($obj)
return json_encode($obj);
static function JSONDecode($str, $toArray)
return json_decode($str, $toArray);
static function HashString($str, $salt)
return hash('sha512', $str . $salt);
static function RandomString($length)
if ($length > 62)
$length = 62;
$chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
return substr(str_shuffle($chars), 0, $length);
static function GetGuidString()
$guid = com_create_guid();
$guid = str_replace("{", "", $guid);
$guid = str_replace("}", "", $guid);
return $guid;