9/6/2013 8:51:17 PM

Background cover allows you to set an image as a background that will automatically resize to ensure that the entire background space is covered. Background cover will adjust height or width based on windows size but will keep the proper aspect ratio.

//CSS background: url(http://example.com/image.jpg) no-repeat center 10% fixed; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='http://example.com/image.jpg', sizingMethod='scale'); -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='http://example.com/image.jpg', sizingMethod='scale')"; //FOR INTERNET EXPLORER //1. Create backgroundsize.min.htc file //2. Contents of file <component lightWeight="true"> <attach event="onpropertychange" onevent="handlePropertychange()" /> <attach event="ondetach" onevent="restore()" /> <attach event="onresize" for="window" onevent="handleResize()" /> <script type="text/javascript"> var rsrc = /url\(["']?(.*?)["']?\)/, positions = { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 1, right: 1, center: 0.5 }, doc = element.document; init(); function init() { var b = doc.createElement("div"), a = doc.createElement("img"), c, d; b.style.position = "absolute"; b.style.zIndex = -1; b.style.top = 0; b.style.right = 0; b.style.left = 0; b.style.bottom = 0; b.style.overflow = "hidden"; a.style.position = "absolute"; a.style.width = a.style.width = "auto"; b.appendChild(a); element.insertBefore(b, element.firstChild); d = [element.currentStyle.backgroundPositionX, element.currentStyle.backgroundPositionY]; element.bgsExpando = c = { wrapper: b, img: a, backgroundSize: element.currentStyle["background-size"], backgroundPositionX: positions[d[0]] || parseFloat(d[0]) / 100, backgroundPositionY: positions[d[1]] || parseFloat(d[1]) / 100 }; "auto" == element.currentStyle.zIndex && (element.style.zIndex = 0); "static" == element.currentStyle.position && (element.style.position = "relative"); refreshDisplay(element, c) && (refreshDimensions(element, c), refreshBackgroundImage(element, c, function () { updateBackground(element, c) })) } function refreshDisplay(b, a) { var c = b.currentStyle.display; c != a.display && (a.display = c, a.somethingChanged = !0); return "none" != c } function refreshDimensions(b, a) { var c = b.offsetWidth - (parseFloat(b.currentStyle.borderLeftWidth) || 0) - (parseFloat(b.currentStyle.borderRightWidth) || 0), d = b.offsetHeight - (parseFloat(b.currentStyle.borderTopWidth) || 0) - (parseFloat(b.currentStyle.borderBottomWidth) || 0); if (c != a.innerWidth || d != a.innerHeight) a.innerWidth = c, a.innerHeight = d, a.somethingChanged = !0 } function refreshBackgroundImage(b, a, c) { var d = a.img, e = (rsrc.exec(b.currentStyle.backgroundImage) || [])[1]; if (e && e != a.backgroundSrc) { a.backgroundSrc = e; a.somethingChanged = !0; d.onload = function () { var b = d.width, e = d.height; 1 == b && 1 == e || (a.imgWidth = b, a.imgHeight = e, a.constrain = !1, c(), d.style.visibility = "visible", d.onload = null) }; d.style.visibility = "hidden"; d.src = a.backgroundSrc; if (d.readyState || d.complete) d.src = "", d.src = a.backgroundSrc; a.ignoreNextPropertyChange = !0; b.style.backgroundImage = "none" } else c() } function updateBackground(b, a) { if (a.somethingChanged) { var c = a.img, d = a.innerWidth / a.innerHeight, e = a.imgWidth / a.imgHeight, f = a.constrain; "contain" == a.backgroundSize ? e > d ? (a.constrain = d = "width", e = Math.floor((a.innerHeight - a.innerWidth / e) * a.backgroundPositionY), c.style.top = e + "px", d != f && (c.style.width = "100%", c.style.height = "auto", c.style.left = 0)) : (a.constrain = d = "height", e = Math.floor((a.innerWidth - a.innerHeight * e) * a.backgroundPositionX), c.style.left = e + "px", d != f && (c.style.width = "auto", c.style.height = "100%", c.style.top = 0)) : "cover" == a.backgroundSize && (e > d ? (a.constrain = d = "height", e = Math.floor((a.innerHeight * e - a.innerWidth) * a.backgroundPositionX), c.style.left = -e + "px", d != f && (c.style.width = "auto", c.style.height = "100%", c.style.top = 0)) : (a.constrain = d = "width", e = Math.floor((a.innerWidth / e - a.innerHeight) * a.backgroundPositionY), c.style.top = -e + "px", d != f && (c.style.width = "100%", c.style.height = "auto", c.style.left = 0))); a.somethingChanged = !1 } } function handlePropertychange() { var b = element.bgsExpando; b.ignoreNextPropertyChange ? b.ignoreNextPropertyChange = !1 : refreshDisplay(element, b) && (refreshDimensions(element, b), refreshBackgroundImage(element, b, function () { updateBackground(element, b) })) } function handleResize() { var b = element.bgsExpando; "none" != b.display && (refreshDimensions(element, b), updateBackground(element, b)) } function restore() { var b = element.bgsExpando; try { element.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + b.backgroundSrc + "')", element.removeChild(b.wrapper), element.bgsExpando = null } catch (a) { } }; </script>